Planning District Commission Meeting – October 17, 2016 – 7PM

Unless otherwise noted, the Planning District Commission meetings are held at the business office in Accomac, Virginia.
Unless otherwise noted, the Planning District Commission meetings are held at the business office in Accomac, Virginia.
The Eastern Shore of Virginia Ground Water Committee will meet at the Enterprise Building at 23372 Front Street, Accomac at 10am.
Governor McAuliffe made the announcement of funding at the Governor’s Summit on Rural Prosperity – Connecting Rural Virginia to the Global Economy. A-NPDC’s own Director of Planning Curtis Smith was on hand to acknowledge the award of $48,000 in funding. The…
The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) has released a memorandum detailing their findings in their oversight role of the state’s IT services disentanglement and transition away from the Northrop Grumman contract. The Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) in August…
Governor McAuliffe addressed the General Assembly’s joint money committees and detailed the revenue shortfalls. Teachers, deputies and other state workers raises have been cancelled saving the state $125 million. The Governor also plans to ask for $378 million from the $630…