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Eastern Shore of Virginia Technical Housing Study Request for Proposal


The Accomack-Northampton Planning District Commission is soliciting consultant proposals for a Technical Housing Study for the planning district that includes Accomack County and Northampton County.  The results of this Housing Study should provide the region, local governments, developers and the community a meaningful sense of the housing market to formulate housing priorities. The analysis should further provide current and future needs and a recommended housing mix.


The Eastern Shore of Virginia comprises two rural counties on the southern tip of the Delmarva Peninsula and is separated from mainland Virginia by the Chesapeake Bay. The mainland of Virginia is accessed in by U.S. Route 13 across the 18-mile long Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. Northampton County, Virginia is the southernmost county and includes the road access to mainland Virginia. Accomack County is contiguous to Worcester County, Maryland and Somerset County, Maryland along its northern border.

The character of the Eastern Shore of Virginia is rural with small villages and small towns. The region has three island towns; the Town of Chincoteague, Saxis and Tangier. The Town of Tangier is only accessible by boat or plane. The region has a diverse mix of different types of industry that includes poultry processing and agriculture, aquaculture, the Wallops Flight Facility, the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport and tourism.


The proposal should break down elements by Task. Below the tasks are a bulleted list of information by topic that the stakeholder group desires to see in the final technical study. Consultants are asked to respond to the Task Element Letter (A, B etc.) and provide discussion. The bulleted points should assist the consultant in types of information desired and determining the best method to achieve the scope of work.

Required Task Elements

Task A. Socioeconomic and Demographic Analysis

Consultant will analyze socioeconomic conditions and demographic trends in the region and each of the individual jurisdictions. Data will be provided for each county.

Task B. Projected Housing Demand

Consultant will project future population, households, householder age, household income and housing preferences for 2020, 2030 and 2040 based on the preceding trends analysis and projections prepared by the University of Virginia’s Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service.

Consultant in coordination with A-NPDC staff will select a realistic contrarian scenario (ie. a growing population versus a declining population) of changing population conditions. Consultant will then project the scenario for housing demand under those conditions.

Task C. Housing Gaps

Consultant will project future housing needs (both affordable and market-rate needs) based on housing affordability levels, tenure and housing types. Consultant will identify and quantify gaps between housing needs and supply.

Task D. Fair Housing Protected Class Analysis for Classes with 1% of the Population & Special Needs Housing Analysis by County

Consultant will analyze special needs populations (criminal background, sex offender, prison release and reentry & Fair Housing Protected Classes) to identify the issues unique to each protected class or special need and provide detail on the housing needs of these specific populations. Consultant will design and collect a landlord survey that addresses specific issues identified for the Fair Housing Protected Classes as well as work with local probation and parole staff in the design of questions that assist them in rehousing or housing persons with a criminal background. This information will be presented with analysis by county in a chapter in the final study.

Task E. Local Gaps

Consultant will project housing needs based on specific issues. Consultant will determine the number of undeveloped parcels by incorporated town (there are nineteen towns) and separate them by parcel area ranges.

Task F. Draft and Final Study

Prepare a draft study that summarizes the purpose of the study, expert analysis and incorporate graphics, tables and maps. The report will include a chapter that addresses the issues and quantifies the gaps for each jurisdiction (19 towns, 2 counties). A technical appendix must be provided for more detailed tabular data. Following receipt of one set of consolidated comments and revisions from A-NPDC, a final study will be developed and delivered.

Stakeholder Input & Background of Study Needs

This information should be used to inform the Task elements and the details requested by the stakeholders.

Purpose of the Study

Regional Economy

  • Civilian Employment
  • Unemployment
  • Establishment Employment
  • Employment by Industry
  • Average Earnings by Industry
  • Consumer Price Index
  • Top Employers
  • Housing Unit Completions

Market Area Demographics by County

  • Population
  • Households
  • Households, by Tenure
  • Households, by Income
  • Households, by Tenure, by Size
  • Households, by Tenure, by Unit Size, by Household Size
  • Households, Movership, by Tenure
  • Households, Movership, by Tenure, by Size
  • Households, by Tenure, Overburdened
  • Fair Market Housing Protected Class Demographics (Color, Disability, Familial status-children under 18 within the household including pregnant, National Origin, Race, Religion, Sex)
  • Households, by Tenure, by Fair Market Protected Class
  • Eviction Rate

Supply Analysis by County by Incorporated Town and unincorporated area for Accomack & Northampton

  • Housing Units, by Building Type
  • Housing Units, Occupied, by Tenure, by Building Type
  • Housing Units, Substandard including Lack of Complete Plumbing, by Tenure
  • Rental Property Inventory
  • Rental Property Inventory Map
  • Rental Property Inventory by Project Status
  • Rental Property Inventory by Year Built
  • Rental Property Inventory by Financing Type
  • Rental Property Inventory by Rents Charged
  • Rental Property Inventory by Occupancy Rate
  • Rental Property Inventory Unit Mix
  • Rental Property Inventory Amenities

Rent Comparability Analysis by County

  • Unrestricted Rent Markets
  • Restricted Rent Markets
  • Program Rent Markets
  • Achievable Rents
  • Rent Advantage
  • Stabilized Occupancy Rates

Demand Analysis by Tenure by County by Incorporated Town and unincorporated area for Accomack & Northampton for 2030

  • Demand Assumptions
  • Demand Segmentation
  • Demand and Capture Rate Analysis-Qualified Renters
  • Demand and Capture Rate Analysis-Overburdened Renters
  • Demand and Capture Rate Analysis-Growth and Movership
  • Absorption Analysis

Gap Analysis by County by incorporated Town and unincorporated area for Accomack & Northampton

  • Gap Analysis by Tenure
  • Gap Analysis by Tenure by Income
  • Gap Analysis by Tenure by Bedroom Size

Fair Market Housing Protected Class Analysis for Classes with 1% of the population or more by County

  • Demand Assumptions
  • Demand Segmentation
  • Demand and Capture Rate Analysis-Qualified Renters
  • Demand and Capture Rate Analysis-Overburdened Renters
  • Demand and Capture Rate Analysis-Growth and Movership
  • Absorption Analysis

Special Needs Housing Analysis by County

  • Sex Offender Registry
  • Criminal Background Checks – Trends by Type of Crime (Drug, Violent, Non-Violent)
  • Survey Landlord Response to Type of Crime
    • Probation and Parole Questions for Landlords:

1 – Do you exclude people with felony convictions from your rentals?
2 – Do you require a period of time after conviction of a felony before consideration is given to a renter?
3 – Are any type of felony convictions an exclusion for a potential renter? (i.e. Your rental address may be listed on the Registry)
4 – Would you exclude a family based on one person having been convicted of a felony?

5 – Does every adult living in the home have to be on the lease?

6 – Are background checks a part of the rental process for your properties?

  • Prison Release/Reentry Analysis

A-NPDC staff will maintain open communication with the consultant, ensuring consistency with the established work plan and completion of project deliverables in accordance with established deadlines. The A-NPDC will provide background reports, GIS, transportation and other information for the region and, where possible, facilitate access to municipal information. A-NPDC staff may provide a limited amount of in-kind assistance to the consultant team to ensure successful completion of the project.

Project Manager: Director of Housing Services, Russ Williams will be the project manager.


The housing analysis will study housing needs in the Counties of Accomack and Northampton.

Some tasks require detailed information for the nineteen incorporated towns; Tangier, Saxis, Chincoteague, Hallwood, Bloxom, Parksley, Accomac, Onancock, Onley, Melfa, Wachapreague, Keller, Painter, Belle Haven, Exmore, Nassawadox, Eastville, Cheriton and Cape Charles.


1. Qualifications of Consultant (25 points)

  • Experience working with peer communities
  • Experience working on similar projects
  • Personnel qualifications
  • Personnel experience

2. Understanding of this project as demonstrated by the RFP (60 points)

3. Proposed timeline meets stakeholder needs (25 points)

4. Cost estimates (40 points)

A complete Proposal will include:

1. Narrative response to RFP by task

2. Proposed timeline

3. Statement of staff qualifications

4. Contact information

5. List of three references

6. Cost estimate

The A-NPDC reserves to accept or reject any and all proposals.

Sealed, hard copy submittals received before the deadline for submission will be considered.  

Responses to RFP are to be submitted by 5:00 PM September 18, 2020 to:

Russ Williams

Director of Housing Services

Accomack-Northampton Planning District Commission

PO Box 417

Accomac, Virginia 23301

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