JLARC Finds Eastern Virginia Does Not Have Sufficient Groundwater To Meet The Demand Of The Region

The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) has completed its review of the effectiveness of Virginia’s water resource programs.
- Eastern Virginia (this is on the mainland of Virginia) does not have sufficient groundwater to meet the demand of the region.
- Planning is too vague to be useful and not sufficiently regional.
- Eastern Virginia groundwater permitting does not prioritize human consumption.
- Non-human consumption, industrial users are the largest withdrawers of eastern Virginia’s groundwater.
- Sustainability problems can be addressed through conservation and additional water supply projects, but the state needs to take a more active role in planning.
JLARC has provided the General Assembly with 22 recommendations. Recommendation Number 12 asks the General Assembly to consider requiring the State Water Control Board to issue permits for non-human consumptive groundwater permits only after meeting permit requests for human consumptive needs and Recommendation Number 13 asks that current permits be reduced to meet human consumptive needs. For full details, please read the recommendations.